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Festive Season

It can be a nervous time wrapping presents, popping them under the tree or whist them off to Santa

We want to make this as quick and smooth as possible for you & will do what we can to make sure you get those on time. With it being the couriers busiest season they can often get slowed down by the sheer volume of goods they are transporting so order as soon as you can. 

We offer various forms of payment methods that will help you spread the cost so you can get your item earlier and in time for Christmas day!

Christmas Delivery Times

If you are based in Christchurch City (like us) order in-stock items before 2pm on December 21st and you'll get your item before Christmas.

Why not use Click & Collect?
We are open every day before Christmas. Simply purchase any in-stock item or give our friendly team a call at 03 366 9885 & we can set aside the perfect gift for your loved one.

With most urban addresses we hope if you place your order before 2 pm on December 15th (North Island) | December 18th (South Island) you will get your item before Christmas.

Live Close to Christchurch?
We are open every day before Christmas. Simply purchase any in-stock item or give our friendly team a call at 03 366 9885 & we can set aside the perfect gift for your loved one.

If you are considered rural, we hope that if you place your order before 2pm on December 11th (North Island) | December 15th (South Island) you will receive your item before Christmas.

If you are unsure about whether your address is considered Rural please contact us and we would be happy to help.

You can order items but after December 4th we cannot guarantee your item will arrive before Christmas.

Most items will take on average 5 working days to arrive at our store before we ship them outside of the Festive Season and with the higher volume, we cannot guarantee they will get to us in time to send them out to you.

Some of our suppliers send directly so we might be able to get a few items to you from them. Please give us a call on 0800 88 26 4537 to ensure you have the best chance and quickest answer.

Over the festive season, they will be a delay in handling "dangerous goods" items like filled Gas Canisters. As they are dangerous goods they have to be handled more carefully and will move slower over the festive season due to the high volume of items.